Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Is it important to distinguish between immigrants and refugees
Contemplation to the Heart of Darkness - Essay Example However Conrad, as a man who had persevered through numerous difficulties throughout his life even before his eleventh birthday celebration (Papke, 2000), was additionally mindful of the concealed part of the hearts of men. Thought processes going from great to detestable dwell in the human heart, yet are not generally obvious on their appearances. Hearts are extremely private and concealed spots, and the core of a landmass is demonstrated to be regularly as dim as the core of the people who try to enter it. Work is basic to life, and individuals invest so much energy playing out an amazing activities work that they are frequently inseparably attached to the activity. Marlow demonstrates the lengths to which individuals will go to get utilized when he relates that subsequent to approaching men for an occupation and they said 'My dear individual,' and sat idle. At that point would you trust it-I attempted the ladies. I, Charlie Marlow, set the ladies to attempt to find a new line of work (Conrad, 72). His ensuing activity with the Company shows the force that Work can have over people. It is delineated as a one-dimensional and all-encompassing nearness to which the men of the story answer. It is associated with not simply the men who travel on the liners into the African region, yet additionally with the listeners to the story, whose occupations are personally associated with the activity of the Company's machine. Work may likewise be viewed as a machine that drives the haziness of the iv ory business. The way that such a significant number of people must accommodate both themselves and families makes famous what is basically a coldhearted act of de-tusking elephants. The locals who work with the whites participate in this training for having the pay that work gives. This they do, however it infringes upon the sacredness of creature life much similarly that servitude has infringed upon the holiness of human life. However, for work the locals become involved with something of a barbarism that is like those their family include looked inside the previous century. For sailors, the ocean is interchangeable with work, and Conrad has been cited by Papke (2000) as saying, men and ocean interpenetrate, in a manner of speaking - the ocean entering the life of most men and the men knowing something or everything about the ocean. The work enters all aspects of a sailor's life and is associated some way or another with his activities, regardless of whether respectable or dull. In Africa, the work that is finished by the Europeans who enter the domain is as dull as the mainland as it has been portrayed since the beginning. Despite the fact that burglary is disliked in European culture, theft is basically the objective of these legitimate shippers who enter that domain. Of this twofold standard Conrad states, By sky! there is something after all on the planet permitting one man to take a pony while another must not take a gander at a strap (98-99). Reality of these men's deceptive nature is validated in the content. As Marlow goes along the coast and afterward inside the landmass, he happens upon a few examples where the mainland and its occupants are being looted of their assets. The creatures whose tusks give the ivory are in peril on the grounds that the ravenousness of those burglarizing sailors who need their tusks and would see them kick the bucket so as to have the aid that they want. Not exclusively do the European sailors burglarize the elephants of their lives, however they likewise ransack the Africans of the wealth of their own region. This sort of theft is particularly recognizable in the character Kurtz, who under the pretense of entering the African region for exchanging purposes has turn
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Third Man Is a Film About Morals and Loyalty free essay sample
Song Reed presents that selling out of a companion is excusable in the light of a more prominent great. All through the film it is seen that the necessity of keeping up dependability and companionship is superseded when ethics are tried. The film follows the oblivious excursion of Holly Martins as he endeavors to find the riddle behind the passing of his ‘dear friend’ Harry Lime. The inclined camera points and shadows permit the crowd to recognize the reliable characters from the degenerate, and Reed’s theme of re-happening props and non-diagetic zither music set up the ethical equivocalness of the movies setting and climate. The commitment of double-crossing is halfway appeared through the hero Holly Martins, as his underlying oblivious dependability is introduced through Reeds utilization of inclined points. In the start of the film Holly is obstinate, simple and careless in regards to the degenerate setting he has inundated himself in. His honesty is anticipated through the repetitive straight edge all over, conversely, dubious characters, for example, Harry are given an inclined edge recommending they’re not ethically ‘straight’. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Third Man Is a Film About Morals and Loyalty or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Holly’s ethical quality and dependability to Harry is tried in the Ferris wheel scene as he gets presented to the genuine Harry. The scene starts with Holly sitting by the Ferris wheel, showing up predominated, thus repeating his unimportance. The pair enters the carriage and noteworthy camera points are utilized on every one of their appearances to depict to the crowd their varying moralities. A straight camera point is utilized for Holly, and a tilted for Harry. Holly is presented to Harrys genuine nature when he enlightens him regarding Anna being captured and Harry just says â€Å"Tough, very tough†indicating that he doesn’t really care about her. Likewise Harry draws Anna’s name in kid like scrawl on the window of the carriage, repeating that he isn’t worried about her destiny. A since quite a while ago shot of the festival is given, Harry focuses to the individuals strolling on the ground and says to Holly â€Å"Would you truly have any sympathy in the event that one of those specks quit moving for eternity. Holly, when oblivious to the reality of the situation, is presently uncovered to Harry’s wrong doings and absence of good respectability. The shot of the two inside the Ferris wheel causes them to seem caught. Likewise, this scene is unexpected as they’re on a ride for children’s relaxation while talking about genuine crimes. As the carriage goes down, Holly picks up his acknowledgment of what Harry is able to do. This represents him coming back to earth as his perspectives on Harry were already ‘in the clouds’. In a later scene, Holly is presented to the kids debilitated because of Harry’s broken penicillin. Slow non-diagetic music plays, the children’s face aren’t appeared and the teddy bear’s, representing blamelessness, are lying face down. Seeing this, Holly acknowledges the job of being Calloway’s â€Å"dumb duck decoy†, double-crossing Harry to spare his ethical honesty. - misshaped feeling of faithfulness, Come back to this para http://pages. wustl. edu/documents/pages/imce/jdriver/DRIVER_Third_Man. pdf Harry Lime, the foe, gives a sharp juxtaposition to Holly’s explanations behind selling out, and his shamelessness is depicted through Reeds utilization of shadows and chiaroscuro. In Harry’s uncover scene, he is at first covered up in shadow. A shot is given of the strange keeps an eye on feet with Anna’s feline snuggling up to, giving a sensational incongruity as the crowd know promptly the individual is Harry. The camera goes up and Harry’s face rises up out of the shadows. He causes a commotion, and his demeanor is certain and pompous. Reed’s utilization of shadows as a theme for Harry connotes the crowd that he is ethically faulty and dishonest. Toward the finish of the Ferris wheel scene, Harry presents his cuckoo clock hypothesis to Holly, which eventually characterizes his ethical view. As showed in the Ferris wheel scene, Harry has no waverings in double-crossing his old companion. He expresses that he could without much of a stretch execute Holly in that spot and afterward, ‘You don’t think they’d search for a projectile injury after you hit that ground. †Effectively the most beguiling, refined and agreeable character in the film, Lime additionally gives a sharp juxtaposition to Hollys explanations behind treachery. There are a few examples where Lime is seen very nearly selling out to his old buddy, anyway risks for this are regularly scattered when they show up, for example, Annas nearness in the bistro scene where Lime shouts at her to escape the way, all while stretching around dubiously for what has all the earmarks of being a covered weapon. The purposes behind Limes potential selling out become increasingly more obvious as the film arrives at a resolution, particularly in the Russian areas Ferris wheel. Where Limes inadequacy to represent the lives of others likewise incorporates his dismissal for Hollys proceeded with presence, and as Holy grasps the edge of the open entryway we are conscious of the way that the main regard Lime holds for anybody is that of himself. In this way, in light of a legitimate concern for self-protection, Lime feels that steadfastness must be yielded and thus disloyalty is simply the ramification for the sparing. The need for proceeded with presence is along these lines the impetus for Limes potential double-crossing of his own companion. The absence of shadows all over in the film while different characters, for example, Harry, are put in shadows and dimness to give the presence of secret and wickedness. Section 1: Holly’s dedication/ethics unwaveringness to harry as a companion, kids wiped out room scene/Ferris wheel scene-inclined edges and so on. Passage 2: Harry’s devotion/ethics shadows uncovering himself Paragraph 3: Anna’s steadfastness/ethics scene toward the end, demonstrating her dependability to Harry Filmmakers utilize light to enlighten a few characters while putting different characters in shadows and dimness to cause them to seem puzzling, malicious or frantic. At the point when the crowd first observes the as far as anyone knows dead Harry Lime he rises up out of the shadows, recommending his vile and cryptic expectations The need of selling out is most effortlessly appeared through Holly Martins, the hero of the story whose naïve, unquestioning and tenacious nature all outcome in a handily influenced man who at last chooses to be an imbecilic, fake duck so as to catch Lime and consequently stop the overwhelming load on his own still, small voice. Holly, by getting associated with issues not an issue for him, is sincerely experienced and excessively shallow to appropriately manage the kind of profound idea and examination engaged with the choice among double-crossing and the support of the benefit of everyone. It isn't that Holly settles on an inappropriate choice by double-crossing his companion, rather, the reality his suppositions are effortlessly influenced with confirmation of the proof, both through his gathering with Lime who addresses him concerning whether he would Calculate what number of dabs (people) you could bear to save; and through the introduction of Limes youthful casualties. It can't be denied that Harrys resolute barrier of Limes blamelessness rapidly disintegrates underneath the creation of hard reality, and this fortifies the ethical respectability of Holly; who was once so submissive to remaining incognizant in regards to reality. Such proof gives the crowd all that anyone could need material against Harry with the goal for them to favor Holly, and subsequently demonstrate to them the limits of how much devotion one can principle, and where the outskirts among double-crossing and kinship can inally be penetrated. Tune Reeds bearing of The Third Man, combined with Graham Greenes screenplay, constantly push forward the idea that the selling out of a companion is trivial in the light of a more noteworthy great. In any case, what one considers the right, moral strategy is absolutely reliant upon their inclination of what is viewed as the apex type of ethical quality, that being the most elevated abandoned of trustworthiness a human can show. The Third Ma n ostensibly considers the double-crossing of a companion adequate considering the benefit of all, and all through the film it is seen that the contentions for keeping up dedication and kinship are gradually abrogated by the thought of obligation one feels in their quest for the correct game-plan to take. Holly and Harry both presentation indications of selling out to each throughout the film; regardless of whether it is because of the penance they believe they are required to make so as to accomplish a higher position of good accomplishment, or rather in the latters case, an absence of moral thought towards mankind when all is said in done however it can obviously be found for each situation that dependability can simply be disposed of even with a progressively impudent reason. The need of selling out is most effortlessly appeared through Holly Martins, the hero of the story whose guileless, unquestioning and diligent nature all outcome in an effectively influenced man who at last chooses to be an imbecilic, imitation duck so as to catch Lime and in this way stop the substantial load on his own heart. Holly, by getting engaged with issues not an issue for him, is genuinely experienced and excessively shallow to appropriately manage the sort of profound idea and thought associated with the choice among selling out and the upkeep of the benefit of everyone. How this is passed on: through the character of Holly Martins: appearance and reality-the beguiling idea of appearances in a degenerate society, Holly feels as if he may stay faithful to his ‘dear friend’ Harry Lime, Anna stays faithful to Harry through her ‘blinded love’, Holly’s moral respectability †where he finds †¢Props are the articles that show up in the se tting, and are regularly used to give critical insights about the characters, eg Dr Winkel’s assortment of reli
Friday, August 7, 2020
The Recency Effect in Psychology
The Recency Effect in Psychology Theories Cognitive Psychology Print What Is the Recency Effect? By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on April 23, 2019 More in Theories Cognitive Psychology Behavioral Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology In This Article Table of Contents Expand Overview How It Works Examples Why It Occurs Influences Impact on Learning View All Back To Top The recency effect is the tendency to remember the most recently presented information best. For example, if you are trying to memorize a list of items, the recency effect means you are more likely to recall the items from the list that you studied last. This is one component of the serial position effect, a phenomenon in which the position of items on a list influences how well those items are recalled. Overview The serial position effect was first discovered by the psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus during his memory experiments. He observed that the ability to accurately recall items from a list was dependent upon the location of the item on that list. Items found at the end of the list that are learned most recently are recalled best (the recency effect), while the first few items are also recalled better than those found in the middle (the primacy effect). You have probably experienced this effect many times when you try to learn something new. After learning the information, imagine that you are immediately given a test covering material to see how much you have retained. What information do you think you will remember the best? Chances are that you will have pretty good recall of the things that you learned last or the most recently. You also likely have good recall of the first few things that you learned. It is that information in the middle of your learning session that you are the most likely to struggle with. The recency effect can tell us a bit about how memory works. You can also find ways to maximize your memory by better understanding how and why this effect takes place. Human Memory How It Works The recency effect is dependent upon short-term memory. This type of memory, also known as active or primary memory, is the ability to hold a relatively small amount of memory in the mind for a brief period of time. This information is held and kept active for use, but it is not manipulated. Briefly storing a phone number someone just recited to you for long enough to dial it is a good example of short-term memory. Short-term memory is limited in terms of both capacity and duration. Most information in short-term memory only lasts between 20 and 30 seconds without active maintenance or rehearsal. Approximately four pieces of information can be held in short-term memory for a brief period. Perhaps not surprisingly, delaying recall after hearing a list of items has a dramatic impact on the recency effect. A very long delay between learning items and recalling will often completely eliminate this effect. In other words, the recency effect may occur because you are able to easily remember those items that are still being briefly stored in your short-term memory. If you do not rehearse that information, however, it will quickly be lost and fade from memory. Examples The recency effect can play a role in many different aspects of daily life. For instance, say you are trying to recall items from your shopping list, which you accidentally left at home. You are easily able to remember the last few things you wrote down, but you can’t seem to recall any of the items in the middle of your list. Or, the waiter at a restaurant lists a number of different specials. When you are ready to order, you can only recall the last two options that he mentioned. Another example is as follows: as you are researching a new product you are interested in buying, you’re most likely to pay attention to your first impressions and the last thing you heard about it. If the first thing you hear and the last thing you hear are positive, you are more likely to buy itâ€"even if your research revealed negative information between those two times. Marketers take advantage of the recency effect by ensuring the beginning and ends of ads are positive and appealing. Finally, you have an easier time recalling events from your immediate past than you do things from the distant past. For example, while you might have little trouble remembering what you had for breakfast this morning, recalling what you ate two weeks ago would be much more difficult (or even impossible). Why It Occurs Both the recency and primacy effects are likely the result of memory processes. There are a few explanations for why the recency effect occurs. One is that the most recent information is still present in active memory. When testing is conducted immediately after learning, any information that was learned last may still be actively held in short-term memory. This increases the accuracy of recall. Another explanation is that temporal cues may also help improve recall of the most recently learned information. If a person rehearses a list and is then tested immediately, temporal context can help cue the recall of the information. Influences There are also factors that can impact the strength and likelihood of the recency effect occurring. Factors that can influence the occurrence of the recency effect include: Task Factors: This refers to the task itself as well as how the information is processed. The length of the information presented and how it is presented can influence the recency effect. If you were presented a very short list of words, for instance, you might find it easy to recall all the items, essentially eliminating the recency effect. A very long list of terms, on the other hand, would be much more likely to produce recency effects.Processing: How you attend to and process the information as it is presented can also affect how it is recalled.Time: If a long period of time lapses between the presentation and rehearsal of the information and recall, the recency effect is dramatically reduced or even eliminated altogether.Intervening Tasks: Interference can occur if another task or information is presented after the first task. Research has found that if the distracting task takes longer than 15 to 30 seconds, it will eliminate recency effects when trying to recall the original i nformation. Impact on Learning As you might imagine, the recency effect can play an important role in the learning process. When you are learning new information, you are most likely to remember the things that you study first (the primacy effect) as well as those things you study last (the recency effect). This means that when tested on the material, you are more likely to forget the things that were learned in the middle. However, there are things that you can do to adapt your study sessions to take advantage of these memory phenomena. As you structure your study time, realize that the period at the beginning and the period at the end are your prime learning times. Try the following steps: Focus on the most important information at the beginning to take advantage of the primacy effect. This might involve reviewing important terminology or learning new information.Use the middle of your learning time to read through old material you have already learned. This period is essentially downtime, but it can be useful for reviewing.Spend the last part of your study session reviewing what you have already learned. This can involve rehearsing those important terms or going over your newly learned material. Doing this will help cement newly learned information into your memory and minimize the chances or forgetting the things you learned in the middle of your study session. Teachers can also take advantage of the recency effect in how they structure classroom time. The first part of the class should focus on important information. This means skipping over things like basic administrative tasks such as taking attendance and meet-and-greet icebreakers. The middle section of class might involve a brief break where these formalities might be better attended to. Finally, those last 10 to 20 minutes of the class should focus on circling back to the most important concepts. A Word From Verywell The recency effect will play a role in what you learn and recall, but there are things you can do to maximize your memory. Taking steps like breaking up study sessions into shorter periods can help. Spend the last few moments that you focus on something to review the most important details. Finally, if you want something you say to stand out in someone’s mind, make sure you convey the most important information right at the end. This can apply to your daily conversations, or when you are trying to persuade someone to see things your way, or even during job interviews. First impressions are also critical, but thanks to the recency effect, your parting words can be just as powerful. What Is Interference?
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Othello Reflects the Context and Values of its Time Essay
Texts and their appropriations reflect the context and values of their times. Within Shakespeare’s Othello and Geoffrey Sax’s appropriation of Othello, the evolution of the attitudes held by Elizabethan audiences and those held by contemporary audiences can be seen through the context of the female coupled with the context of racism. The role of the female has developed from being submissive and â€Å"obedient†in the Elizabethan era to being independent and liberated within the contemporary setting. The racism of the first text is overtly xenophobic and natural, whilst the â€Å"moor†is unnatural whereas the updated context portrays Othello’s race as natural and racism as unnatural. Therefore these examples show how Shakespeare’s Othello, and it’s†¦show more content†¦Through a reading of the modern context of the female within Geoffrey Sax’s appropriation of Othello there is an analysis into how the context and value s of the Elizabethan era have changed into those of the 21st century. Immediately there is an update in context and values with the absence of the father figure. This absence can be seen as a metaphor which Sax used to show the update in context, in that women’s liberation and independence has evolved so that society deems women as a equal to men and thus by extension the patriarchy personified within Brabantio is non existent. Othello’s questions why they â€Å"don’t talk about the past and who they have been with.†Dessie replies â€Å" I am a blank sheet waiting for you to write your name on me.†The image of a sheet is a symbol for her purity and innocence, showing her chastity and faithfulness to Othello and thus depicting her as the angel within the angel/whore dichotomy. However within this scene Othello is kneeling shown through a high angle shot looking down on him whilst Desdemona is portrayed as dominant in his questioning of her chastit y with a low angle shot of her face. This is because the new context transforms the value of women’s independence and freedom. The marriage withinShow MoreRelatedPower, Race and Women in Othello by Shakespear and Sax1443 Words  | 6 Pagesforeigners during Elizabethan times fostered misogynistic and racist values, which is evident in the way Othello’s blackness becomes a symbol of alienation to which all characters in the play must respond. †¢ Using grotesque animal imagery, Iago voices an explicitly stereotypical view of Othello, as a â€Å"Barbary horse,†depicting him as an animalistic outsider. Through the image of conflict in black and white, Iago emphasises on the racial demarcation between Othello and Desdemona, that â€Å"an old blackRead MoreOthello - A Play That Transcends Time Essay941 Words  | 4 Pagesworld of Shakespeare’s Othello. It is through my exploration of these perspectives and their relationship with changing morals and values that has enriched my understanding of the play. 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Vouch with me heaven, I therefore beg it not To please the palate of my appetite, Nor to comply with heat--the young affects In me defunct--and proper satisfaction, But to be free and bounteous to her mind; And heaven defend your good souls that you think I will your seriousRead MoreOthering Frankenstein Essay1887 Words  | 8 PagesRomantic and Enlightenment context of its time, Frankenstein is a masterfully crafted novel which seamlessly explores a variety of themes and ideas. In the text Shelley uses the process of othering to explore the ideas of somatic alterity, class, and gender as aspects of othering. Shelley’s exploration of these ideas allows for various readings of the text, including post-colonialist, Marxist, and feminist critiques. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Understanding Computer Science 2019
Due to the fact that technology is constantly evolving, it can be difficult to pinpoint a solid definition for the specializations in the dynamic field of computer science. Computer Science has typically been understood as the study of solving computer problems. The elementary pursuits of computer science include the following questions: What are the computer problems that need solutions? How can the computer be made more efficient, faster, and accessible to scientists and the basic user? How can we utilize science to give computers a more viable artificial intelligence? The study of computer applications in a social context is called information technology. This involves information security, networking, and using computers as a sales, marketing or business tool. To really get an understanding of the many branches and terminology of the computer sciences is available in the educational realm. Examining the multitude of degrees at ones disposal related to the field can help to familiarize you with the business and the study of computer science. .u4dce2377373f947076314c874b1ead45 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u4dce2377373f947076314c874b1ead45:active, .u4dce2377373f947076314c874b1ead45:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u4dce2377373f947076314c874b1ead45 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u4dce2377373f947076314c874b1ead45 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u4dce2377373f947076314c874b1ead45 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u4dce2377373f947076314c874b1ead45:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Getting Your Health Care Management EducationNumerous universities commit entire departments to computer science, and others create departments that stem from general computer science. Others schools, usually traditional universities, offer computer development studies along with engineering. Subcategories of information technology and computer science are reflected well in online college curricula. Many online schools, such as Boston Universitys Metropolitan College, offer bachelors and masters degrees in the field. Warren National University offers an online degree in computer science, as well as bachelors degrees in software engineering, e-business, management information systems, and e-commerce. The university also offers study programs and degrees for those already in the field, or someone new to the discipline. The University of Phoenix Online provides bachelors degree programs in e-business and information systems. The university also has degree programs for information technology alone or with a concentration in visual communications. Masters programs available at Phoenix Online include technology management, information systems, and information systems management. .ub8946bc2f2dd6d18da185e59e233a52c { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .ub8946bc2f2dd6d18da185e59e233a52c:active, .ub8946bc2f2dd6d18da185e59e233a52c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .ub8946bc2f2dd6d18da185e59e233a52c { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .ub8946bc2f2dd6d18da185e59e233a52c .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .ub8946bc2f2dd6d18da185e59e233a52c .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .ub8946bc2f2dd6d18da185e59e233a52c:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Careers in Health Care ManagementThe U.S. Department of Labor website offers detailed information on the job responsibilities and the salary ranges and more of computer scientists and related careers (http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos042.htm). You can also find basic information about information technology and computer science just by browsing course requirements at university websites. Related ArticlesOnline Computer Science Programs A Possible Path to a Career in Cyber SecurityTechnology SchoolsEarning Your Computer Technology EducationBusiness Administration ManagementTechnology Universities and CollegesEarning a Masters Degree in Computer Science
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Indian and European Nations Free Essays
Nearly all European invaders as well as their descendants tried to submerge by suppressing their times of yore and by physical repression. The Indian nations relied on spoken means for the spread of history from one memorial cohort to the next, destined that the conclusion of their social constitution would obliterate their history, and thus complete the removal of their survival. Think of what ought to have come prior to the arrival of Europeans, which in several cases was even lost to Indians and the mass of distinctions with the tribes as they dealt with Europeans invaders. We will write a custom essay sample on Indian and European Nations or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the early 16th century, Indian nations were crisscrossed by the Spanish expeditions, turning over new traits, new influence, and the early amalgamation of priests and soldiers that commenced the progression of racial combination as well as Christianization a century prior to the English and French’s arrival in the New World. The colonization of Indian nations by the Europeans had overwhelming consequences for the indigenous people. Flanked by the diseases that were new to them brought by the assailants – Europe itself had simply gotten over an era of plagues as well as epidemics that killed no less than two thirds of its people, and the massacres and enslavement by the hands of the Spaniards. Spain explored and put down claim to the majority of the continent. Indian nations spoke their own languages; communication between Indians and Europeans suffered from differences, not just on a sole landfall, but throughout 500 years and even today. One understandable, yet concealed, source of resistance was the failure or repudiation of the Europeans, predominantly in the British Isles, to learn the Indian tongue. Indian words along with usages, in addition to many other languages such as Spanish, Greek, Italian, Hebrew, and German, came to supplement the English language and particularly the American tongue (Axtell, 2001, p30). The position of men and women among Indian grassroots showed a discrepancy more than among European nations. The distinctive characteristic of Indian civilization was the diversity of its population. In European standards, Indian nations at that time were astonishingly diverse regionally. This astounding diversity was in large part a creation of the technique that colonial Europe was initially settled. The reason possibly lay, throughout the 1400s and 1500s, with the regularity of relationships involving sexes that the Roman Catholic Church brought for centuries among the citizens of Central and Western Europe. The division of labor showed a discrepancy noticeably from a tribe, above among Europeans, however it was found that it lacked class system as well as social estates of Europe, there was greater parity and uniformity of role among lower and higher orders of women and men. The establishment of Indian nations is in fact the longest and exhaustive structure of any independent lands in the world. India, in particular, has a quasi-federal type of regime and a bicameral congress functioning under a Westminster-style parliamentary scheme (Iverson, 1992, p34). Since its sovereignty in 1947, these Indian nations maintained amiable and cordial connections with most countries. The history of Indian nations experienced colonial dependencies within the western hemisphere created by the European countries causing diversity in population, problems in geography and establishments of institutions. European nations increased colonies in Indian nations for several reasons, but mostly to create income. They made use of colonies to give raw materials for trade serving as markets for polished and refined products. These systems encouraged religious toleration, diplomat government, economic development as well as cultural diversity. However, the historical policies of Europeans that carry on bureaucracies in and out of Indian nations suppress tribal management and prop up reliance. Indian peoples will stay in a dependent affiliation and the poverty will provide confirmation of the historic abandonment of the nations’ original people so long as regime (Salisbury, 2000, p18): holds back the economic and political growth of the Indian peoples, deprives them to quality education, disregard cultural needs of Indians, and raises bureaucratic barriers to the recognition of Indian tribes as humans and Indian peoples as part of history. How to cite Indian and European Nations, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Performance review free essay sample
2. Determine an overall employee performance score based on information found on the appraisal form and components of the job description. Answer:There are two parts of the overall employee performance score. One parts is the open-end sections and the other part is the quantitative information. They are using weights of 0. 7(quantitative) and 0. 3(open-end) to combine to the overall score. And in the quantitative section, they total score also will be calculated by the weight method. 3. Select an appropriate time period to document performance as part of a performance review. Answer: Conduct semiannual reviews and complete the appraisal forms toward the end of the fiscal year. one review would be completed halfway through the fiscal year and the other one toward the end of the fiscal year. Adopting this approach leads to the completion of the appraisal form for all employees at about the same time, thereby facilitating cross-employee comparisons as well as the distribution of rewards. An additional advantage of following the fiscal year cycle is that individual goal setting can be more easily tied to corporate goal setting because most companies align their goal cycle with their fiscal year. This helps employees synchronize their work and objectives with those of their unit and organization. 4. Determine how many formal meetings are needed between the subordinate and the supervisor to discuss performance issues. Provide your rationale. Answer: Performance management systems can include six formal meetings between the subordinate and the supervisor: †¢System inaugurationâ€â€The first meeting, system inauguration, includes a discussion of how the system works and the identification of the requirements and responsibilities resting primarily on the employee and on the supervisor. This discussion includes the role of self- appraisal and the dates when the employee and supervisor will meet formally to discuss performance issues. This meeting is particularly important for new employees, who should be introduced to the performance management system as soon as they become members of the organization. †¢Self-appraisalâ€â€The second meeting, the self-appraisal, involves the employee’s assessment of herself. This meeting is informational in nature and, at this point, the supervisor does not pass judgment on how the employee regards her own performance. This meeting provides an opportunity for the employee to describe how she sees her own performance during the review period. It is helpful if the employee is given the same form to be filled out later by the supervisor so that she can provide self-ratings using the same dimensions that will be used by the supervisor. †¢Classical performance review â€â€The third meeting, the classical performance review meeting, during which employee performance is discussed, includes both the perspective of the supervisor and that of the employee. Most performance management systems include this type of meeting only. No other formal meetings to discuss performance are usually scheduled. This meeting is mainly past oriented and typically does not focus on what performance should look like in the future. †¢Merit/salary reviewâ€â€The fourth meeting, the merit/salary review, discusses what, if any, compensation changes will result from the period’s performance. It is useful to separate the discussion of rewards from the discussion of performance so that the employee can focus on performance first and then on rewards. If these meetings are not separated, employees may not be very attentive during the discussion of performance and are likely to feel it is merely the price they must pay to move on to the part of the meeting that really matters: the discussion about rewards. Although these meetings are separate, supervisors should explain clearly the link between the employee’s performance, discussed in detail in a previous meeting, and the rewards given. Rewards are not likely to carry their true weight if they are not linked directly to performance. †¢Development planâ€â€The fifth meeting, the development plan, discusses the employee’s developmental needs and what steps will be taken so that performance will be improved during the following period. This meeting also includes information about what types of resources will be provided to the employee to facilitate the development of any required new skills. †¢Objective settingâ€â€The sixth and final meeting, objective setting, includes setting goals, both behavioral and result oriented, regarding the following review period. At this point, the employee has received very clear feedback about her performance during the past review period, knows what rewards will be allocated (if any), understands developmental needs and goals, and knows about resources available to help in the process of acquiring any required skills. 5. Give two advantages and disadvantages of using supervisors, peers, subordinates, self, and customers as sources of performance information. Then determine who will provide performance input for the job you are working with. Answer: Supervisors An advantage of using supervisors as a source of performance information is that they are usually in the best position to evaluate performance in relation to strategic organizational goals. Also, supervisors are often those making decisions about rewards associated with performance evaluation. Supervisors are able to differentiate among various performance dimensions (e. g. , adaptability, coaching, and development) regardless of the level of experience of the employee being rated. Peers Change management is extremely important to the successful implementation of this consolidation. The company is therefore revising how it assesses the competency â€Å"teamwork†at the senior and middle management levels, with the belief that successful teamwork is crucial to change management initiatives. One-third of the score for this competency is determined by ratings provided by peers. Subordinates Subordinates are in a good position to evaluate leadership competencies, including delegation, organization, and communication. Subordinates may be asked to rate their manager’s ability to (1) remove barriers that employees face, (2) shield employees from politics, and (3) raise employees’ competence. With this type of system, subordinates may hesitate to provide upward feedback if put on the spot. Self Self-appraisals are an important component of any performance management system. When employees are given the opportunity to participate in the performance management process, their acceptance of the resulting decision is likely to increase, and their defensiveness during the appraisal interview is likely to decrease. An additional advantage associated with self-appraisals is that the employee is in a good position to keep track of activities during the review period, whereas a supervisor may have to keep track of the performance of several employees. Customers Performance information provided by customers is particularly useful for jobs that require a high degree of interaction with the public or with particular job-related individuals (e. g. , purchasing managers, suppliers, sales representatives). Performance information can be collected from internal customers. Although the clients served may not have full knowledge of the organization’s strategic direction, they can provide useful information. In this training specialist review form I think the supervisors, peers and self will provide performance input for the job. 6. Using your appraisal form, describe briefly the psychological mechanisms leading to the inflation and deflation of performance ratings. Answer: There are motivational barriers that prevent raters from providing accurate performance information. Raters may be motivated to distort performance information and provide inflated or deflated ratings. In fact, supervisors may not even be trying to measure performance accurately and may attempt to use performance ratings for other goals. For example, a supervisor may be motivated to provide inflated ratings to
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Investment casting Essay Example
Investment casting Essay Investment casting or lost wax casting has been used by many different cultures for thousands of years.The Egyptians used investment casting to make bronze statues and the Chinese made vessels and a variety of other items by using investment casting.Therefore, it is by no means a new process.The most modern approach, which has been used since the middle of the twentieth century is called ceramic shell casting.Because this is the most modern form of investment casting, I will bee focusing on this particular process for the entirety of the paper. The two different types of patterns used in investment casting are called expendable and permanent.Expendable patters are made of wax, are joint less, and yield a casting with a higher degree of accuracy than the permanent pattern method.The permanent pattern method uses a pattern that is made of wood, steel, or some other type of solid material.Using the permanent pattern method is usually cheaper than the expendable pattern method.One disad vantage of the permanent pattern method is that the molds must be assembled in separate parts, which makes it less accurate than the expendable pattern method. Thefirst step in investment casting when using the expendable pattern method is to manufacture a die.The die is made from strong alloys such as steel and Duralumin or softer fusible alloys where accuracy is less important.Steel dies are the best for long production runs and are machined from a solid piece of steel.Many dies are produced in two or more sections enabling the pattern to be removed once it is cast.After the die is done being machined it is coated with a parting agent or lubricant which helps the pattern to be extracted.The die is used repeatedly to makewax patterns for the investment process. Wax is the most common material used in investment casting.The wax has a low ash content, is compounded from natural and synthetic waxes and resins, and usua
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Biography of Dorothy Vaughan, Groundbreaking NASA Mathematician
Biography of Dorothy Vaughan, Groundbreaking NASA Mathematician Dorothy Vaughan (September 20, 1910 – November 10, 2008) was an African American mathematician and computer. In her time working for NASA, she became the first African American woman to hold a supervisory position and helped the institution transition to computer programming. Fast Facts: Dorothy Vaughan Full Name: Dorothy Johnson VaughanOccupation: Mathematician and computer programmerBorn: September 20, 1910 in Kansas City, MissouriDied: November 10, 2008 in Hampton, VirginiaParents: Leonard and Annie JohnsonSpouse: Howard Vaughan (m. 1932); they had six childrenEducation: Wilberforce University, B.A. in mathematics Early Life Dorothy Vaughan was born in Kansas City, Missouri, the daughter of Leonard and Annie Johnson. The Johnson family soon moved to Morgantown, West Virginia, where they stayed throughout Dorothy’s childhood. She quickly proved to be a talented student, graduating early from high school at the age of 15 as her graduating class’ valedictorian. At Wilberforce University, a historically black college in Ohio, Vaughan studied mathematics. Her tuition was covered by a full-ride scholarship from the West Virginia Conference of the A.M.E. Sunday School Convention. She graduated with her bachelor’s degree in 1929, only 19 years old, cum laude. Three years later, she married Howard Vaughan, and the couple moved to Virginia, where they initially lived with Howard’s wealthy and well-respected family. From Teacher to Computer Although Vaughan was encouraged by her professors at Wilberforce to go to graduate school at Howard University, she declined, instead taking a job at Robert Russa Moton High School in Farmville, Virginia, so that she could help support her family during the Great Depression. During this time, she and her husband Howard had six children: two daughters and four sons. Her position and education placed her as an admired leader in her community. Dorothy Vaughan taught high school for 14 years during the era of racially segregated education. In 1943, during World War II, she took a job at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA, the predecessor to NASA) as a computer. NACA and the rest of the federal agencies had technically desegregated in 1941 by executive order of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Vaughan was assigned to the West Area Computing group at Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. Despite women of color being recruited actively, they were still segregated into groups separate from their white counterparts.  Nasa.gov The computing group consisted of expert female mathematicians who dealt with complex mathematical calculations, nearly all done by hand. During the war, their work was connected to the war effort, since the government firmly believed that the war would be won on the strength of air forces. The scope of activity at NACA expanded considerably after WWII ended and the space program began in earnest. For the most part, their work involved reading data, analyzing it, and plotting it for use by the scientists and engineers. Although the women- both white and black- often held degrees similar to (or even more advanced than) the men who worked at NASA, they were only hired for lower positions and pay. Women could not be hired as engineers. Supervisor and Innovator In 1949, Dorothy Vaughan was assigned to supervise the West Area Computers, but not in an official supervisory role. Instead, she was given the role as acting head of the group (after their previous supervisor, a white woman, died). This meant the job didn’t come with the expected title and pay bump. It took several years and advocating for herself before she was finally given the role of supervisor in an official capacity and the benefits that came with it. Vaughan did not just advocate for herself, but also worked hard to advocate for more opportunities for women. Her intention was not just to help her West Computing colleagues, but women across the organization, including white women. Eventually, her expertise came to be highly valued by the engineers at NASA, who relied heavily on her recommendations to match projects with the computers whose skills aligned best. In 1958, NACA became NASA and segregated facilities were completely and finally abolished. Vaughan worked in the Numerical Techniques division and, in 1961, shifted her focus to the new frontier of electronic computing. She figured out, earlier than many others, that electronic computers were going to be the future, so she set out to make sure she- and the women in her group- were prepared. During her time at NASA, Vaughan also contributed directly to projects on the space program with her work on the Scout Launch Vehicle Program, a particular type of rocket designed to launch small satellites into orbit around the Earth. Vaughan taught herself the programming language FORTRAN that was used for early computing, and from there, she taught it to many of her colleagues so they would be prepared for the inevitable transition away from manual computing and towards electronics. Eventually, she and several of her West Area Computing colleagues joined the newly formed Analysis and Computation Division, a race- and gender-integrated group working to expand the horizons of electronic computing. Although she tried to receive another management position, she was never granted one again. Photographs from Dorothy Vaughans retirement party. Vaughan retired from NASA in 1971.  Courtesy Vaughan Family / Nasa.gov Later Life and Legacy Dorothy Vaughan worked at Langley for 28 years while raising six children (one of whom followed in her footsteps and worked at NASA’s Langley facility). In 1971, Vaughan finally retired at the age of 71. She continued to be active in her community and her church throughout retirement, but lived a fairly quiet life. Vaughan died on November 10, 2008 at the age of 98, less than a week after the election of America’s first black president, Barack Obama. Vaughan’s story came to public attention in 2016, when Margot Lee Shetterly published her nonfiction book Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Who Helped Win the Space Race. The book was made into a popular feature film, Hidden Figures, which was nominated for Best Picture at the 2017 Academy Awards and won the 2017 Screen Actors Guild Award for best ensemble (the guild’s equivalent of a best picture award). Vaughan is one of the three main characters in the film, along with colleagues Katherine Johnson and Mary Jackson. She’s portrayed by Oscar-winning actress Octavia Spencer. Sources Dorothy Vaughan. Encyclopaedia Britannica.Shetterly, Margot Lee. Dorothy Vaughan Biography. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.Shetterly, Margot Lee. Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Who Helped Win the Space Race. William Morrow Company, 2016.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Environmental engineering report- flocculation Assignment
Environmental engineering report- flocculation - Assignment Example Proper designing, construction, and minimizing mechanisms are essential for protecting the environment and thus, the process of flocculation is regarded as a significant environment engineering techniques that helps to provide purified water. Thus, the report postulates that the flocculation technology is one of the superior environmental engineering processes to reduce the perilous and harmful substances that are generally present in the water, but the chance of errors remain in the process due to utilization ineffective chemicals. Environmental engineering is the application of science and engineering technology in order to respond to the challenges imposed to the environment. Besides, with the growing population, the extensive land-uses, modernization of technology, increasing operational activities and other factors has led to a significant threat to the environment. However, through this growing concern various environmental engineers are engaged in the activities to develop and provide most noteworthy and technical solutions in order to effectively deal and resolve the environmental problem and issues through the optimum utilization of necessary resources. The main object of the environmental engineering is to improve the condition of the natural environment through providing healthy air, water and land supporting the human habitation as well as a prospering ecosystem. In this regards the flocculation is an indigenous engineering mechanism to treat the wastewater. This mechanism is used to neutralize as w ell as aggregate the various ‘colloidal particles’ that are present in the water. Moreover, this mechanism is utilized to reduce the hazardous substances, color, phosphorous, organic substances, and metal traces including iron, chromium and manganese present in the water. Moreover, due the significant characteristics of colloidal suspension present in the water, it is difficult to separate through the conventional
Monday, February 3, 2020
Introduction of the new Nokia Lumia Product Essay
Introduction of the new Nokia Lumia Product - Essay Example product development is crucial to survive in the global competitive environment especially when it comes to technology such as gadgets, mobile phones, tabs and other electronic devices. In the era of globalisation it becomes crucial for organisation to innovate new product to keep up with the competition in the global environment and secure a better market place. Timely and responsive new products have become more critical in the global environment and there arise the need to response quickly to the changing dynamics of global forces (Yelkur & Herbig, 1996, p. 38). Methodology Research methodology includes two forms of research, primary research and secondary research. Primary researches are conducted based on questionnaires, interviews and can be both qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Secondary research is based on data which were already found and an analysis is made on the existing data. The methodology used to analyse the product introduced by Nokia, Nokia Lumia 820 and 920 in collaboration with Microsoft operating system are done mainly through secondary research. Data are collected from sources such as web, books, news and other relevant sources and are further analysed. Analysis and findings of Nokia and Microsoft are also based on SWOT analysis. Findings and Analysis According to IDC press release the global mobile phone market grew by 1% in the second quarter of 2012 where Apple and Samsung shipped half of the global Smartphone. With respect to the Operating System, Android has expanded its dominance in the global Smartphone market and accounted for 68% of the total Smartphone shipped in second quarter in 2012. According to findings, success of Android can be traced to Samsung accounting for 44%, iOS posted growth with double digit and remains at... This essay stresses that Nokia currently has been suffering from a major decline in market share leading to major loss for the company. Symbia which was the OS for Nokia did not help the company to generate enough revenue and as a result the company has partnered with Microsoft regarded as an opportunity for the company to increase its market share and profits. Nokia was facing a tough challenge from OS like Android, iOS due to the lack of innovation made by Nokia and also its slow response to match up the international market demands. Thus the advantage of pairing Nokia with Microsoft will be beneficial for both as within six months of the launch of Lumia Nokia from zero percentage went up to a third of the overall windows phone devices in the US. Nokia which was once the market leader in the mobile category had recently suffered a setback in the smart phone category and is trying to catch up with Apple and Samsung. This paper makes a conclusion that the management decision to partner with Microsoft has resulted to be beneficial for Nokia as the growth rate has increased within the six months of its launch of Nokia Lumia 820 and 920. In the competitive mobile Smartphone market, Nokia was lagging behind the market leaders Samsung and Apple and had suffered huge loss. Now entering into partnership with Microsoft it hope to regain back its lost market share and introduce new range of products with exciting features.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Britain And France Sought To Appease Hitler History Essay
Britain And France Sought To Appease Hitler History Essay Britain and France sought to appease Hitler not merely because it was militarily, economically and politically rational to do so, but because of personal judgments made by Chamberlain. The appeasement policy was a policy adopted by Britain and France and it was a major player in the outbreak of the war. Appeasement was first introduced in the mid 1930s by Stanley Baldwin who was then the British Prime Minister. But it was Neville Chamberlain who changed this appeasement policy when he ascended to power in 1937. The British government defines appeasement as the settlement of issues through negotiation and compromise. The British were very committed to this policy and they followed it confidently with the hope that it will reduce the chance of a world war. Neville Chamberlain was the greatest advocate and pursuer of the appeasement policy. He sought this appeasement so as to conciliate with Germany so as to have a stable Europe [1] . His personal view was that Germany would be satisfied with what he offered and especially the restoration of its former colonies. There are reasons that made Chamberlain seek appeasement with Hitler. One of them is that he represented the British citizens who did not want a war as they were in the process of healing the wounds from world war one. Also he did not want to go to war with Germany because the fall of Germany would mean the victory of the Soviet Union and the spread of communism therefore. Both he and the British citizens did not want this happening. So Chamberlain was trying as much as he can to avoid a war with Germany and at the same time the spread of communism. The appeasement policy that Chamberlain campaigned for was merely to avoid war. But it can also be seen as a strategy that he used in order to gain some time of rearming his forces. Though he really wanted to avoid the war, there came a time that he knew that war was in evitable. It was only after the failure of the negotiations between him and Hitler that he declared war against Germany [2] . Chamberlain felt that he had been betrayed by Hitler and that his appeasement policies were failing him. That is when he decided to take on a hard line approach towards the Nazi. Britain and France began rearming themselves. Italy on the other hard invaded Albania in April of 1939. It was Hitlers invasion of Poland that made these two countries declare war and Second World War officially began on 3rde September 1939. The Versailles Pact which had been signed after the First World War with an aim of ending all wars was greatly hated by the Germans [3] . It was signed by the four nations. It was argued that the treaty if it were to stand wound ruin the economic status of Germany. The Germans were not allowed to participate in the negotiations and the big three countries which participated each had its own personal goals. The Germans felt they were humiliated with the French feeling a sense of insecurity. The British championed for the reestablishment of world trade and they wanted nothing more while the Americans were to give up their principles and ideals of self determination especially on matters that concerned Germany. With all these issues in place, a disaster was inevitable [4] . This treaty is seen by some historians as the lead cause of the Second World War. The countries participating signed it for their own benefits without considering other countries in Europe. France wanted revenge to the Germans. Britain signed it just to prevent a war while America looked at the bigger picture of making more money [5] . Many Britons saw hope after the signing of this treaty. They wanted to avoid another war and that is why the British government had to give in to the demands presented by Hitler [6] . The British economy was fairing very badly hence Britain was not ready for a war. It was not even in a position to fund and rearm its military force due to the bad economic status. So Chamberlain tried as much as possible to avoid a war with Germany. The way Hitler was progressing meant that there was not even time for Britain to organize war strategies and prepare its force. So Chamberlain had to find a way of avoiding war and/or gaining sometime to rearm the military. The only solution present was appeasement [7] . Hitlers main aim was to make Germany as super power and a united Germany. He also wanted to enlarge the Germany territory through what he called recapturing of lost territories [8] . Hitler believed that German will become strong again only through the use of military aggression and war. He directly challenged the Versailles treaty in 1934 by rearming his armed forces and preparing them for war. This he did through production of tanks, submarines and aircrafts in huge masses. When it was announced that Hitler was rearming his military forces, which was in conflict with the Versailles pact, Britain and France protested to the League of Nations with the hope that it can be stopped [9] . The League of Nations did not try to stop these aggressive rearmament plans by Hitler on the grounds that there were no military or economic sanctions that had been imposed. It was due to the appeasement which made Hitler more confident. In short France and Britain simply turned a blind eye on this public breach of Versailles treaty. The Anglo-German Naval agreement that was signed in 1935 was the form of appeasement of the British towards this rearmament. This was because the agreement acknowledged that the rearmament of the German should be limited to only 35% of the fleet owned by the British. The agreement which was made by the British solely without the agreement from Italy and France became the first time that Britain agreed and approved a German contravention of the treaty of Versailles. It was after 1936 that Hitlers confidence of waging a war climaxed. This was because he had accumulated enough mercenaries of war and also had fully prepared his military force. He was confident that France and Britain as the appeasers would not stop him. He did this knowing very well that he was flouting the Versailles treaty. Rhineland was a strategic military position that could determine the fate of Germany. It was a point where by the French could use to invade and strike then heart of the Germanys power. It was due to this reality that Hitler ordered its reoccupation and remilitarization. This was an open breech of the treaty of Versailles but France and Britain just turned a blind eye. Hitlers aim of doing this was to stop any attack from France. The Rhineland could have been used by France to attack Germany. Remilitarizing it meant that Frances attack on Germany would be immediately repelled by the Germany forces. But they did not even try to stop him because he was taking back what belonged to Germany originally. At this stage, France could have stopped the reoccupation of the Rhine region but she did not want to start a war with Germany due to the lack of support from the British [10] . This made Hitler even more confident that he even saw an opportunity to challenge the balance of Europe po wer. The appeasers had no say about Rhineland because they argued it was a Germany territory and it could do whatever it wanted with it including having its military force there. Even though, Hitler had ordered his army to withdraw with immediate effect if the French intervened. But since there was no any intervention from the French he became more confident. Chamberlain thought that by allowing Hitler to take over the region that formally belonged to Germany, he would at least stop there. Hitler invaded Austria in 1938 and he declared Anschluss. In doing this he was breaking the Versailles treaty. The Australian chancellor at the time pleaded with France and Britain to help but these two countries did nothing about it. Chamberlain sent a protest note to Berlin [11] . he addressed the cabinet after Hitlers army crossed the border and he blamed both Germany and Austria. Even though, he condemned strongly the methods used by Hitler to annex Austria [12] . The annexation of Australia in 1938 was seen as a solution to the problems that faced the war oriented Germany economy. Hitler saw it as a perfect opportunity of fulfilling his goal of uniting all the Germans within the Reich. The Austrian Nazi staged demonstrations following orders given by Hitler and this proved a perfect opportunity for Hitler to send his troops to occupy Austria. The appeasers did nothing more after this than mere protests. The link up with Austria strengthened the friendship between Germany and Italy and it also gave Hitler a direct route to southeast Europe. Britain and France appeasements gave Hitler more confidence again to conquer Europe. After Austria, Czechoslovakia was next. Due to the success that he had achieved before, he demanded that Sudetenland be incorporated into the Third Reich because it was the most industrialized and wealthiest region in Czechoslovakia. And since the appeasers were afraid of a war break out, they pleaded on the president of Cz ech, Benes to come into as compromise with Hitler. It was with this regard that Chamberlain met Hitler in an attempt to resolve the issues. He met him three times on separate occasions. It was at Berchtesgaden, where Hitler promised Chamberlain that the case of Sudetenland would be self determined. But in Godesberg, Hitler changed his stand and he instead demanded the immediate incorporation of Sudetenland into the Third Reich. This demand made Chamberlain very angry and on his return to Britain he began organizing the army in prepared ness for war. Czechoslovakia president was forced to sign the agreement. Chamberlain and Hitler signed another agreement to imply that Britain and Germany would never be at war with each other again. The invasion of Czechoslovakia as a whole is what opened the eyes of the appeasers and they saw that no matter how much they tried to appease Hitler, war was inevitable. After giving in to all the demands made by Hitler and his continual invasion of Europ e, the appeasers realized that the appeasement policy was a failed policy. Hitler went on to invade Poland ignoring the ultimatum that he had been given by Britain and France to stop the invasion. It was after this that the appeasers declared war on Germany [13] . It was the 1938 crisis whereby the Sudeten Nazis started demonstrations and causing trouble led by Heinlein and under orders from Hitler which is seen as the true appeasement because Chamberlain intervened. Henlein demanded union of Sudeten with Germany. This was what led to the meeting at Berchtesgaden which was held on the 15th day of September. Here Hitler and chamberlain met and Hitler threatened to wage a war but he promised Chamberlain that it would be the last problem to be solved. Chamberlain saw Hitler as a man who can be trusted and in his intervention he persuaded the president of the republic of Czech to hand over Sudetenland to the Germans. In doing this, chamberlain thought that this was the last demand that Hitler would ask for. The Godesberg meeting between Hitler and Chamberlain took place in 22nd September 1938. Here Hitler asked for more demands which Chamberlain refused to offer. It was this mistrust which Chamberlain saw in Hitler that he knew that war was definitely inevitable. Chamberlain did not see Czechoslovakia as an issue that could result to war. He had simply assumed that it was just a conflict between two neighboring countries and that their conflict could not result to a world war The appeasement policy can be said to have climaxed in the Munich conference held in September 1938 where by Britain and France finally gave Hitler the go ahead to take over Sudetenland. This was a conference held in Germany to discuss the fate of Czechoslovakia amid the demands made by Hitler. The countries that were present were Italy, France, Germany and Britain Notably, Czechoslovakia was not present. The Munich pact was signed and this allowed Hitler to take over Sudetenland This was the center of Czechoslovakia as it was where most of its banks and border defenses were situated. By signing this pact, the European powers meant that Hitler was free to take over the whole of Czechoslovakia. By signing this pact, Chamberlain thought that Hitler would be finally satisfied and stop making more demands The agreement was proposed by Mussolini though it is claimed that it was prepared by the German foreign office. Czechoslovakia felt betrayed by France and Britain because it was informed to either accept the agreement or fight its more powerful neighbor all by its own [14] . The pact was signed on September 30th. When Chamberlain returned to London he gave his famous peace for our time speech. The crowd that had gathered in London was very delighted to hear that peace has finally been found and that there was no prospect for war [15] . The main reason why Britain and France embraced the appeasement policy was because they did not want the whole of Europe to be dragged into a world war by Hitler. It was a policy being persued due to the lessons learnt from world war one. Appeasement policy can be seen as a bad policy that was aimed at achieving world peace while sacrificing some countries like the way Britain and France did to try and appease Hitler at the mercies of Czechoslovakia. Germany was becoming stronger while the countries that were under its threat had no say. There was much tension in Europe as most countries feared the rate at which Germany was becoming strong.. The availability of more resources from the conquered countries strengthened the Germany economy and therefore it could sustain a war. Though the appeasement policy led to the strengthening of Germany, and the breakout of war, there are other reasons why France and Britain adopted this policy. These two countries were faced with economic problems in the 1930s. The British economy was severely weakened by the Wall Street crash of 1929 which made the government put the rearming of its armed forces on hold. Chamberlain wanted as much as possible to avoid war. That is why he adopted the appeasement policy. On the other hard, France was not in a position to maintain a war. It needed the support of Britain. It is because of this that it followed Britain in seeking the appeasement. This was because he wanted peace and stability that would allow economic growth for the whole of Europe. The Britons had a positive attitude towards the appeasement in the hope that it would reduce the chances of a war outbreak. Thus it can be concluded that appeasement was a British government policy that was fully supported by the citizens. Britain did not want a war between it and Germany. This was because it was threatened by communist USSR and not because it feared Germany. In case Germany fell, there was a possibility of spread of communism and Britain did not want this to happen. That is why it was in the favor of appeasement policy. Another fear that embraced Britain was forming a coalition with USSR which was its bitter rival. That is why Chamberlain desperately sought for appeasement at the mercies of other countries just to make sure that they did not join hands with USSR in a war against Germany [16] . The signing of the Munich agreement is viewed by many as a betrayal especially by Britain. What Chamberlain was doing is to buy some time to rearm British forces. Hitler on the other hand thought it as a weakness and a sign of fear of the appeasers [17] . This was a great mistake as all that the appeasers wanted was to preserve the world peace. This is what made him bold and gain confidence and a sen se of security. Therefore the blame for the outbreak of Second World War can only be largely placed on Hitler and not on the appeasers. This is with regard to Hitlers goals and determination to make Germany a super power and to do so; war was inevitable as he had severally claimed publicly. Hitler had managed to convince the appeasers that he had no any intentions of aggression through his peace propaganda. This had in a way fooled Britain and France who were not in favor of a war but wanted world peaceful coexistence. The appeasers continued to adopt the appeasement policy and this assured Hitler that they would do anything just to avoid a war. This made him think that he could continue to expand his demands and the appeasers would still continue to give in to them. It was this appeasement policy that gave Hitler a foundation and a base to increase the demands after every successful conquest that he achieved. Conclusion There are many opinions and views about the appeasement policy with some critics saying it was a betrayal and sacrifice of some nations for the benefit of others. Others say that it was Chamberlains strategy of buying time to rearm Britain. But from Chamberlains point of view, all that he wanted was to avoid another world war. It is not the appeasement policy that triggered the world war two but instead it was the greed of Hitler to enlarge the German territory and make Germany a superpower. The failure of the appeasement policy was because it was only Chamberlain who fulfilled his part of the bargain. He was convinced, on trying to appease Hitler that he (Hitler) was an honest trustworthy and honorable man which was a mistake and a misjudgment on his part.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Volume and Cm
AREA (i) The area of a rhombus is equal to the area of a triangle whose base and the corresponding altitude are 24. 8 cm and 16. 5 cm respectively. If one of the diagonal of the rhombus is 22 cm, find the length of the other diagonal. (ii) The floor of a rectangular hall has a perimeter 250m. If the cost of paining the four walls at the rate of Rs 10 per m2 is Rs 1500. Find the height of the hall. (iii) A room is half as long again as it is broad. The cost of carpeting the room at Rs 3. 25 per m2 is Rs 175. 50 and the cost of papering the walls at Rs 1. 40 per m2 is Rs 240. 80.If 1 door and 2 windows occupy 8m2, find the dimensions of the room. (iv) A river 2m deep and 45m wide is flowing at the rate of 3 km per hour. Find the volume of water that runs into the sea per minute. (v) A closed cylinder has diameter 8cm and height 10cm. Find its total surface area and volume. (vi) The volume of a metallic cylinder pipe is 748cm3 . Its length is 14 cm and external diameter 18cm. F ind its thickness. (vii) A cylindrical bucket, 28cm in diameter 72cm high is full of water. The water is emptied into a rectangular tank, 66cm long and 28cm wide. Find the height of the water level in the tank. viii) A cylindrical tube, open at both ends, is made of metal. The internal diameter of the tube is 10. 4cm and its length is 25cm. The thickness of the metal is 8mm everywhere. Calculate the volume of the metal. (ix) The difference between outside and inside surface of a cylindrical metallic pipe 14cm long is 44cm2 . If the pipe is made of 99 cm3 . Find the outside and inner radii of the pipe. Volume and surface area. 1. A hollow cylindrical pipe is 21 dm long. Its outer and inner diameters are 10cm and 6cm respectively. Find the volume of copper used in making the pipe. 2.The height of a right circular cylinder is 10. 5m. Three times the sum of the areas of its two circular faces is twice the area of the curved surface. Find the volume of the cylinder. 3. The circumferen ce of the base of a 10m high conical tent is 44m. Calculate the length of canvas used in making the tent if width of canvas is 2m. 4. The radius and height of a cone are in the ratio 4:3 the area of the base is 154cm2. find the area of the curved surface. 5. The volume of a metallic cylindrical pipe is 748cm3 . Its length is 14 cm and its external radius is 9 cm. Find its thickness. . A well of inner diameter 14m is dug to a depth of 15m. Earth taken out of it has been evenly spread all around it to a width of 7m to form an embankment. Find the height of the embankment. 7. A cloth having an area of 165m is shaped into a cylindrical tent of radius 5m. How many students can sit in the tent if a student occupies 5/7 m2 ? Find the volume of air for each student. 8. The difference between inside and outside surfaces of cylindrical tube 14cm long is 88 sq. cm. If the volume of the tube is 176 cubic cm. find the inner and outer radii of the tube. 9.The area of three adjacent faces o f a cuboidal box are 120cm2, 72cm2 and 60cm2 respectively. Find the volume of the box. 10. The total surface area of a hollow cylinder which is open from both sides is 4620cm2, area of base ring is 15. 5cm2 and height 7cm. Find the thickness of the cylinder. Questions for Homework assignment 1. An underground water tank is in the shape of cube of side 7 m. What will be its volume? 2. What will be volume of a box whose length 16 m, breadth 8 m and height is 5 m? 3. The length, breadth and height of a room are 12 m, 10 m, and 9m respectively. Find the area of our walls of room? . The volume of a cube is 27a3 . Find the length of its edge? 5. How much Aluminium sheet will be required to make a container with lid whose length is 13 m, breadth is 8 m and height is 4 m? 6. The volume of a cube is 1331 cm3 . Find the length of its edge? 7. The length of diagonal of a cube is 17. 32 cm. Find the volume of that cube? 8. Three cubes whose sides are 6 cm, 8 cm and 10 cm. They are melted and form a cube. Find the volume of that cube? 9. Two cubes have edge 10 m. Their edges have been joined and form a cuboid. What will be the surface area of cuboid thus formed? 0. The total volume of a cube is 512 cubic cm. Find the side of a cube? 11. A rectangular box 14 cm long, 10 cm wide and 5 cm high is to be made with card-board. Find the area of card-board to make that box? 12. What will be the volume of a cylindrical tank whose radius is 7 cm and height is 5 cm? 13. How many solid spheres of  2/3 cm radius can be made from a solid sphere of 2 cm radius? 14. If the volume and surface area of a sphere is numerically same then what will be its radius? 15. The volume of a right circular cylinder is 392 ? cm3 and its height is 8 cm. Find the radius?
Friday, January 10, 2020
Marketing Plan: Product and Performance Essay
Executive Summary Mobility, latest trends and technologies are three most significant factors that customer seek today when they walk-in in an electronic item’s outlet. Years before the journey of technology started out from the calculator the most basic computer as we call it. Today that technology has emerged and the most latest is PDA (Personal Digital System), full computer in a small device to perform all of the tasks. New Nokia Mobile phone has all the features of a desktop computer, no need of a laptop. The phone is easy to carry, manages schedules, and can perform all the business related tasks. The size itself has become important apart from mobility. The concept that we are launching is of a radio and music player which is latest in the sense that you can wear it as a fashion accessory. Radio is considered to be one of the most important media apart from television and internet. The major source in use during cricket matches, exercising in the morning and during traveling for work or school. 73% of college going women (18-25) years of age surveyed tune into radio, although the channel loyalty is not there. The most frequent listening occurs after dinner time. This is different from male radio listeners as the FM channels are replacing cassettes as a music source while driving, other survey shows that one of the popular source of music are the FM stations, FM 89, 91 and 106.20 are extremely popular within the target market. The major target market for our product is the age between 15 and 26. According to the statistics, 30 million Pakistanis are aged between 15 and 24. Considered in the context of total population (approx. 180 million), 16.667% of Pakistanis are young. Statistics shows that 60% of population is under 25 that is 2/3rd and nearly 10 million are in the urban areas. GEN X and GEN Y is the most experienced and accessed generation in the human history. This generation is the technologically accessorized generation, with everything hanging from their clothes, from cell phones to CD players, and computers are a way of life. This is a branded generation, brand names, association with the great life and other symbols are important. The emerging concept of brand association amongst teens and adults, and awareness will make our product more appealing to the customers. Our Primary objective is to achieve get our product recognized and make the consumers to get performance of the product way better than their expectations. Our Secondary objective is to make good profits and make more products like this with working hand in hand with the fashion and our way would be walking from earrings to necklaces, bracelets and other fashion accessories. Marketing Research Methods of Data collection: Basically there are two methods of data collection: 1) Primary Data 2) Secondary Data Primary Data Collection: Primary Data is that data which is collected specifically for the project at hand. The primary data for our assignment resulted from the unstructured interviews that we conducted from different friends and family members and also many strangers. Secondary Data Collection: Secondary Data is that data, which has already been collected for some other purpose but can be used as reference material. The secondary data for our assignment came from the internet, newspapers and magazines. Current Market Situation: The current market situation is that from the cheapest of phones to the most expensive, every smart phone has at least a radio in it that works from earphones that do the job of an antenna or the smart phones carry wireless radio connectivity. Other than that most phones have music players. In such a market where mobile phones are treated as a necessity from quite a long while we’d enter with a product that has a lot of internal memory, long batter and works hand in hand with the fashion. In other words, the market we are making is new where fashion and technology work together but a relatively alike market of mobile phones has a situation that cares more about apps and memory than on radio and/or music player. So, we are going to come in with focus on music players and radios that would even make consumers look different by the fashion of earring they’d carry. A new market but has links with the standing strong market of mobile phones. The Product Introduction of product: Now days, mobility is becoming an important factor in electronic devices. The concept that we are launching is of an earring radio and music player which is latest in the sense that you can wear it as a fashion accessory. We are launching it under the brand name LAPCA. Radio is considered to be one of the most important media apart from television and internet. The major source in use during cricket matches, exercising in the morning and during traveling for work or school. Technical and Functional Aspect of the Product: This product would be an earpiece connected to a player that would be smaller than a phone. Both the devices would be connected via Bluetooth. Their range of connectivity would vary to more than 20 square meter so the consumer doesn’t need to keep the device near and playlist functions would increase the ability of product to play songs as per the mood of the consumer. Reason of using earrings with the wireless earpiece is to make the product easier for people to wear and increase the range of our target market. People would not need to get their ears pierced to wear earrings and we bring music player and radio attached to such a small earpiece that would not be noticed much (like the other offerings of attached Bluetooth earphones that appear too large). Objectives and issues: Increase the profits by at least 10% in the first year of the launch. Issue: How to increase the awareness amongst customers about this product? To create 10% market share for the product and to work to improve it further. Issue: What measure to take to identify the potential customers of the product in the market? To identify 5 potential outlets where to place the product initially. Issue: How to identify the potential outlets? Mission statement: â€Å"We are the followers of the latest trend we strongly believe that fashion develops, we provide the best and quality is never compromised. Technological flexibility and innovation are the key factors that we emphasize on while shaping a solution for our customers.†Vision statement: â€Å"Innovation†Our product Oriented Definition: â€Å"We manufacture earrings radio with music player†Our Market Oriented Definition: â€Å"To the trendy and tetchy, Moby X is the radio and music player that provides mobility and a perfect blend of fashion and technology that makes you feels different and latest than others.†Target Market Moby X will form a major share of its market amongst those people who are attracted towards the product with exclusive appearance, unique functionality, style and design. We will market our product through multiple segment strategy, as we are be targeting GEN X and GEN Y belonging to upper class and upper middle class of our society. Through multiple marketing, Moby X can achieve market position as because it is a product which provides mobility, style and fulfills the needs of the consumers. Moby X is a part of the most reliable and trusted technologies belonging to LAPCO which is using Japanese latest technology in it which would further strengthens the reputation it would acquire. Now days, there is a growing trend of adopting the inimitable style which people will definitely feel after purchasing the product. The mini chip radio and music player in the earrings itself is fascinating and will communicate on its own towards the people who are engrossed through mini products. Positioning †¢Product Positioning: Moby X would provide higher frequency range compared to other radios available in the market, will have a long lasting battery and the most important advantage that our product provides is the mix of fashion and technology that forms our distinctive attribute. Value Proposition: Moby X is a better quality product providing distinctive feature and being a leader makes it more special and different from other competing products. LAPCO using latest Japanese technologies is most reliable and durable. Market Positioning: Moby X has been positioned in the customers mind as a part of their lifestyle it impeccable suited their personality. It has positioned on the following grounds: Made for you exclusively Lifestyle and technology Earrings with variety of colors and design Fine-looking wrapping and easy to carry Statement: â€Å"Enjoy with Style††¢ Characteristics affecting Adoption: †¢ Relative Advantage: The first of its kind is being introduced in the market; the concept itself will attract the customer. †¢ Compatibility: Moby X higher range of frequency will make it easier to add channel and thus more value to the product. Secondly, memory of 20GB to carry your songs and making of playlists. †¢ Complexity: Moby X is easy to use and the demo CD provided with the product provides the proper guide and features to use the product. †¢ Divisibility: Moby X is an expensive product and initially no discounted rates can be offered. †¢ Communicability: The experience that customers take with them will make its use and difference spread amongst customers. Market Analysis Basis of Segmentation Demographic segmentation: Demographics refer to the characteristics of population including such factors as size, distribution and growth, because people constitute market, demographics are of special interest to market executives. Age: Our product caters to women ranging from age 15-26 yrs old. Moreover, through our advertisements we have portrayed an active woman who is working out or busy in kitchen chores. Occupation: Moby X targets women belonging to each and every type of occupation whether it is a housewife, student and working women. Income: Our product Moby X caters to upper class and upper middle class. Any one lying in the income bracket of Rs 50,000+ can afford this product Psychographic Segmentation: The psychographics of the Moby X can be analyzed by reviewing the advertisement. The lifestyle shown in Moby X advertisements portray successful, sophisticated, professional women who are active energetic and full of life. Behavioral Segmentation: Under this aspect LAPCO Company has based their segmentation on the basis of customer desired benefits. People would prefer buying our product because it’s the first ever product to be launched by LAPCO with radio and music player facility which is easy to use, and more over its attractive mix of not only radio and music player but also as a fashion accessory. SWOT Analysis Strengthens Being first of its kind to be launched in the market The smaller size The mobility The attractive package and demo included in the gadget The exquisite location of electronic gadget’s outlets in different malls Easy to use In accordance with the latest fashion Attractive mix of radio and music player hand in hand as a fashion accessory Japanese technology, one of the most reliable manufactures Weakness Limited warranty Requires proper maintenance Batteries are to be charged according to usage level thus requires cost to keep the gadget working Opportunities The customers are fond of accessories which can help extend our accessories from earrings to rings, bracelets and necklace Hearing radio can replace the care tapes as being mobile and fashionable in nature Being a new product creating a new market the competition is minimized to a great extent The distinctive attributes will outweigh the element of high price The opening of the new malls throughout the country with better electronic outlets will provide a better location to display the gadget There is an opportunity for line extension New technology is in its growing stage which helps attract customers with its distinctive attributes The interests of teenagers in acquiring latest technology will further increase the market share Computer system placed at the electronic outlets could help provide free demos of the product at the outlet A survey at the outlet about the buying experience of the product and after sale experience can help make the product more effective and increased customer satisfaction The smaller size and mobility if appreciated could provide line extension for the product Threats The electronic market is still under developed in Pakistan The fluctuating electronic and political conditions of the country can hinder the sale of the product Less awareness amongst the public about the electronic items The training of sales person for the product Competitors can come up with a similar and better product before our product is established The higher price of the product could lead to duplicate products in the market The health conscious people could resist the product The fashion conscious people may not take the initiative to buy the product The analytical buyer Marketing Environments (PEST ANALYSIS) Political: The fluctuating political environment in the country can be dangerous. Since the product being developed is manufactured in another country the support of the government is required to keep the government conditions in import and export stable and to strengthen relationships with the other country to grow the business further. Economical: The product that is being launched is an expensive product the economic conditions will determine the national income or the buying power of the consumer which indirectly will determine whether the people would be willing on the products that are not part of their basic needs. Social: Since the product is an earring radio and music player which would be fixed in an earring placed quite close to the ear can be considered as dangerous for the ear. Proper awareness about the product and the setting of the frequencies accordingly so not to affect the ear would have to be justified to the people. Technological: Pakistan is developing technologically and further awareness and development will assist in improving the product’s functionality. Competitor Assessment COMPETITOR ANALYSIS Moby X is competing in portable media industry. Major Competitors: Our major competitors are all those manufacturers who are specialized in and dealing with microelectronic items, who believe in size and design of product with quality. Moby X direct competitors are small radios (ear piece) and mp3 players that can fit in ear easily. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Moby X is not just a FM radio with music player but it is also a blend of fashion and technology. Long lasting Japanese battery gives it an edge over other mini radios and music players that have maximum life of 2-48 hours on continuous use. Providing maximum FM band range from 87-108 MHz among its competitors who offer mini radios with FM band 88-108 MHz Furthermore, adding value to the music player with 20GB built-in memory which wouldn’t look small for at least 10-15 years from now. COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES Differentiation: Moby X is an innovation in the arena of radios and all kinds of music players. It gives connectivity to the outside world in a way that adds value and beauty to the face. Focus: Moby X is designed especially for upper middle class and upper class urban population including GEN X AND GEN Y, fashion followers and trend setters. COMPETITIVE POSITION Multiple Markets: We are following the multiple market strategy for Moby X by focusing more towards the upper class and upper middle class of the society. Channel and logistic A value delivery network is made up of the company, suppliers, distributors and ultimately customers. Here will be a layer of intermediaries that will perform work in bringing our product and its ownership closer to the final buyer. For our earring radio and music player we will have both a direct and indirect marketing channel. We will have a customer marketing channel. Since our product is new we need to do personal selling and convince consumers to buy our product. Then eventually as we gain a foot hold in the market we will have retailers selling our product. Marketing Strategy MARKETING MIX PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION: Moby X is broadly classified as consumer product and under this category we define it as a specialty product because it is a perfect mix of style and technology. It involves strong brand preference and loyalty, special purchase efforts by consumers, little comparison of brands and low price sensitivity. LEVELS OF PRODUCT Core Product Moby X provides a solution to its users that connect them to the global world and at the same time add value to their beauty. It is smallest in size but greater in quality and style that’s what the consumers want. Actual Product Moby X, an earring radio and a music player. Augmented Product Customers are provided with the free demos of the product on computer system installed at the outlets and for further understanding, instruction booklet is also provided with Moby X. It includes 3 years’ money back warranty and a pair of fabulous earrings along with the product. Customers are encouraged to share their views about the buying experience of the product and after sale experience through surveys conducted at the outlets. An exclusive website is designed to cater its customers for solving all their queries regarding the product. Online purchasing service is also available. PRODUCT COMPOSITION Product Quality: Moby X works great, everywhere in the world, under brand name LAPCO using Japanese microchip technology and providing the FM band from 87 to 108 MHz’s Stereo-sound is really excellent plus 3-years money back warranty is also given. Product Features: Push-button Auto Seek Microchip Technology so you can immediately and perfectly tune in stations (Automatic FM Tuning). Provides high quality stereo sound. Long last Japanese battery included. 3 years (Limited) Warranty. Size – (1/3x 1/3 x 3/8) mm is the size of radio chip. 30 x 20 x 5 mm is the size of the earring. Weight – 1/2 oz is the weight of the earring radio. Ideal for use in parties, sports, travels, hiking, working, Jogging, bike riding, boating, fishing, picnics, reading, camping, skate boarding, gift giving, foot and vehicle surveillance, to pass the time while waiting for subject, anywhere, everywhere, in the form of earring as simple microchip (radio). A music player memory of 20GB built-in. Product Style and Design: It comes in many splendid colors with different style for female. It is designed in a way so as to increase portability. BRANDING Brand Equity: Moby X will establish it with the passage of time because of its good quality and better understanding of customer needs. Brand Name Selection: Moby X is selected as the brand name because it defines the mobility and easy to carry feature of the product and X signifies the extra factor that we provide to our customers in the form of earrings (fashion accessory). Brand Sponsorship: LAPCO is manufacturer’s brand. Brand Development: No extension. Packaging: Moby X comes in a square and heart shaped gift box. Labeling: All the important information is mentioned on the label. The label contains the name of the product, name of the manufacturer and distributors, warranty limit, warnings, guidelines on usage. Product Support: A booklet on guidelines regarding the product is provided with Moby X. Free demo CD is also given. Product Mix: Initially Moby X is introduced in the form of earring but with the passage of time it will offer in other versions also like in the form of bracelets, rings, and lockets. Product Life Cycle: Our product is at the introductory stage of product life cycle stage. PRICE Marketing Objectives: â€Å"To create a market share and to stand out as distinct product amongst the other competitors†Marketing Mix Strategy: The price has been decided based on the competitors and customer needs and requirements. The price is aligned with other marketing mix covering the promotion, placement and product. Cost: The organization has tried to achieve economies of scale but not the cost of quality. The cost is being monitored and is kept to a minimum by choosing the best deals given by the supplier and managing the cost accordingly. Organizational Considerations: The price set has been influenced by different functions of the organization including the finance, manufacturer, sales and marketing and the higher management. PRODUCT PRICING STRATEGY Comparing competitor’s pricing CompetitorPrice Sinclair XI Button RadioRs. 2304.93 FM Mini Radios Rs.719.44 ZI AM Radio Rs. 8405 Tiny FM Radios (China Toy Factory Inc)Rs.1200 Mini Mp3sRs. 1500 (starting from) Competition Based Pricing: We are following the growing rate pricing according to which we fix our price after considering all the factors as to Rs. 3500. PLACEMENT The product would be sold through â€Å"Indirect Marketing Intermediary†. The product will be sold through push strategy that is product would be first distributed to the wholesalers and then to retailer. The retailers would assist in creating contact with the other retailers which would expand the network and add value. PROMOTION Moby X being a new product in the market would require intensive advertising. The positioning and the idea behind the brand selection would be used as a basis for advertisements and the advertisements would be informative. ADVERTISING Radio: Radio FM channels would be able to attract the major cream who could use our product and create a positive word of mouth for others. Since they being the regular radio listeners would be excited to use this product as they could carry the radio with them. Newspaper: Moby X is an expensive and new product. There is need to create awareness amongst people that such a product exists. ‘Dawn’ newspaper would be a better choice to advertise being one for the most popular newspapers in Pakistan. A full page would be dedicated to advertise the product providing a detail know how of the features and distinctive attributes. Apart from ‘Dawn’ the other newspaper that the product would be advertised in are ‘The News’ and ‘Daily Times’. Magazines: Moby X being a technology product it would be advertised in magazines as ‘SHE’ a leading magazine. Another magazine that is famous amongst out major target segment the teens is ‘Young Times’. It is Dubai based magazine is especially for kids. Since it is a fashion product also magazines like SHE, STYLE, SYNERGYZER and MAG would also be used to advertise the product. Billboards: The locations where we have decided to place our advertisements are all the upper class areas in the populated cities of Pakistan. For instance the major areas identified all the other malls where luxury electronic item’s outlets are available advertising would be done by placing billboards. In Karachi, at Teen Talwar, Boat Basin, Shahrah – e – Faisal and other markets like Tariq road, Saddar Mobile mall and the road that leads to Jinnah International Airport. Television: The few major channels as HUM TV and GEO TV will be given the task to advertise the product. Websites: Msn.com/Click on line a website providing information regarding new technologies, funmaza.com a famous website viewed by most of the Pakistanis and Apniisp.com that offers all the latest songs. Sales Promotion: One free pair of earring apart from the one already provided in the package would be given with the product. Public relations: Brochures providing details of the safety of using the product would be distributed in public places. Articles about the working and flexibility in use would be published in a leading magazine to inform the public about the safety in using this product. Action Programs July: We will launch a sales promotion campaign in Karachi city which should be estimated at around RS. 2 Million. During this period our aim is to make the consumers aware of the product through excessive adverts it is essential for us to educate our dealers and consumers properly. Our main awareness campaigns will be concentrated toward the television and internet it will fix in a relatively low and economical budget. August: Increase our relative market share and launch our product in other major cities of Pakistan i.e. Lahore, Islamabad. September: We will start an integrated internet campaign targeting young college students. The campaign will show the functions of Mob X. This campaign will be supported by online ads. October: We will hold a trade sales contest offering bonus to retailers who sells the most Moby X during one month period. November: We will be launching our online store that will enable us to make direct sale with customer. Anyone can place an order via email and we will deliver the product at the given address and payment on delivery. Furthermore, customization over earring designs would be launched. December: We will look forward to enter the international market and depending on the situation we face at that time we will alter our marketing strategies. Implementation and Control Plan Goals: After the launch we will look out the awareness and recognition of Moby X among the target customer. The targeted sales, profits, availability and elevated market share are also major parts contributing towards achieving our goals. Performance: Measure the performance and activities of the outlets, their interactions with our target customers. We will measure the performance by setting different tests after the first launch of Moby X. Tests will be encompassed of surveys, personal interviews, focus groups and via e-mails. Evaluation: The results of the surveys, mails and others will be then synchronized for the evaluations. Evaluation is conducted to identify the gap between the expected and actual performance. Corrective Actions: This is the last control which is set and applied if there is a difference amongst the expected and actual performance Moby X and we then otherwise will take the corrective actions to close the gap. Contingency Plan We have launched this earring radio and music player under the brand name LAPCO so value and prestige is associated with this product. We have used the latest Japanese Technology in our product through which frequency and signal of radio can be cached easily. But the problem can occur in our product is that at some places user might not find tune into radio and their might be some problem in signal catching. To combat with this problem, we have used the latest Japanese technology as stated before and will use more advanced technology in our product in future in order to satisfy our customers and provide them with a delight of getting to hear news and be updated in an area where most signals don’t even work.
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